
80-406 | START-TEK 

Built-in LED Display,  Quick release nut included, Automatic start/stop when hood is lowered and raised.

Max Tire Diameter - 32” (800mm)
Rim Sized (Cars & Light trucks) - 10”-26”
Rim Width - 1.5” - 20”
Max Wheel Weight - 65kg
Automatic Data Entry - diameter, distance
Power Supply - 220v
Accuracy - 1g

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80-901L 3D / PLUS-TEK 

22” Color LED Monitor, Large weight tray, User-Friendly Menu, Guided adhesive weight placement.

Max Tire Diameter - 35” (900mm)
Rim Sized (Cars & Light trucks) - 10”-28”
Rim Width - 1.5” - 20”
Max Wheel Weight - 70kg
Automatic Data Entry - diameter, distance, width
Power Supply - 220v
Accuracy - 1g

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80-2000T / TRUCK-TEK 

18.5” Color LED LCD Monitor, Automatically starts/stops when hood is Powered/raised,   Automatic wheel type defining

Max Tire Diameter - 47” (1200mm)
Max Wheel Weight - 10-200kg
Automatic Data Entry - diameter, distance
Power Supply - 220v
Accuracy - 1g

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